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    Pete Plotnik

    High School Principal
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    Kelly Rodriguez

    Junior High Principal
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    Mary Cook

    Elementary Principal
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    Patrice Andrews

    Early Education Principal
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    Lydia Clark

    JH/HS Assistant Principal
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    Tara Pritchett

    Elementary Assistant Principal

Director of Campus Security & Operations

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    Nick Bertaux

    Director of Campus Security & Operations


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    Dorothy Chackel

    Director of ARC
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    Shayna Grenewitz

    Director of Admissions
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    Jayne Howard

    Director of Performing Arts
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    Molly Nelson

    Director of Academics
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    Agnes Ramos

    Director of Human Resources
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    Britnie Reid

    Director of International Program
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    John Robertson

    Director of Accounting
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    Melanie Segui

    College and Guidance Director
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    Joe Tesoro Jr

    Director of Technology
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    Steve Whitley

    Director of Athletics
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    Jonathan Wu

    Director of Biblical Studies & Discipleship

Support Staff

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    Lisa Black

    Principal's Assistant
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    Aurora Brown

    Principal's Assistant
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    Angela Brooks

    International Program Assistant
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    Kara Burke

    Athletic Administrative Assistant
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    Rory Darby

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    Shasta Derkalousdian

    5th Grade Teacher
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    Rachel Duerme

    HR Assistant
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    Brooks Fages

    Director of Development
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    Shelley Ford

    College & Guidance/Registrar
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    Sharla Hays

    Academic Resource Teacher
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    Jackson Holm

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    Adam Howard

    Performing Arts
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    Jamie Jones

    Academic Resource Teacher
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    Andrew Lagarde

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    Alex Martinez

    Elementary/JH Robotics Cooridnator
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    Melinda Morey

    School Counselor
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    Jennifer Mixer

    Ed Tech Specialist
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    Brittany Numbers

    Admissions Manager
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    Jannette Pinneker

    Attendance Clerk
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    Thomas Polhill

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    Keri Quinn

    Admissions Assistant
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    Tara Roman

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    Roxy Reycasa

    Front Office Lead
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    Eric Richards

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    Robyn Ralston

    Eagle Academy Coordinator
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    Leslie Rodiles

    Guidance Coordinator
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    Sarah Sager

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    Cory Scogin

    Event and Faciltities Coordinator
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    Ralph Sykes

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    Mary Temple

    Academic Resource Teacher
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    Andrea Visser

    Student Life Coordinator
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    Sudie Weisman

    Supervisor of Campus Support & Safety
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    Diane Williams

    Accounting Clerk
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    Amy Youssi

    Superintendent's Assistant
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